Thinking of flying Vietnamese Airlines?

I flew from Can Tho to Con Dao, no problems, so I wasn’t prepared for my next ordeal. I was booked on a 13.20 flight from the island to Ho Chi Minh City but the flight was “delayed.” After over an hour, no one could tell me when the flight might be underway because of “technical difficulties” so I rebooked on a 17:00 flight.

Finally, it was announced that the 13:20 flight was cancelled and later the 17:00 was cancelled as well. Frustrated passengers who had been at the airport for over five hours were given no answers. We were taken to a first class hotel for the night at the airlines expense, but in the morning, I was sceptical about the 6:50 flight. Would it leave on time so I could make the 9:00 train I’d booked?

Fortunately, the flight left on time and as soon as I exited the airport, I raced to the taxi stand and reached the train only five minutes before its departure time. Now I fully understand the Lonely Planet’s reference to the local airlines having experienced it first-hand. I had one more internal flight from Da Lat to Da Nang that I approached with caution, but that flight was on time. My advice, leave twenty-four hours spare between any Vietnamese flight and your connection. I was lucky, but another passenger missed their international flight.

On the train that left right on time, I found my numbered seat with the aid of Vietnamese passengers who also helped with my bag. Next to me was a teen who only took his eyes off his cell phone to sleep—sound familiar?

While the air conditioning was perfect for me, the locals put on their sweaters. When the television started up, I thought, oh no, but the volume wasn’t outrageous. A Vietnamese comedy kept viewers entertained while drink and snack carts rattled up the aisles. I was entertained by a man’s face as the program continued because I could see he was enjoying the program. But, before the show was over, I started scratching. Yes, I was in the most expensive section, but something was nibbling at my flesh. 

Featured photo courtesy of Ken Fielding: https://www,

2 thoughts on “Thinking of flying Vietnamese Airlines?”

  1. On my recent trip to Vietnam, I was rebooked to an earlier flight from Quy Nhon to Saigon just a few days prior, making my last day in the former much shorter than what I intended. Luckily, I didn’t have to catch a train or another flight that day.

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