Tag Archives: Ho Chi Minh City traffic

Scooter City

More than two millennia ago, the Thais and Viets were mixing with Indonesians and Chinese from the southern half of China. It wasn’t until 3rd century B.C. that a Chinese general recognized the region as a nation of Viets, and China soon invaded the region. Rebellions broke out over the next 900 years, one successfully led by a woman, but it wasn’t until the decline of the Tang Dynasty in the 10th century that the country ousted the Chinese and founded the Ngo Dynasty. Wars continued, but it was a time of growth when roads were built, and a postal service installed. During the Ming Dynasty, China invaded again seizing the country’s wealth from resources to human labour. It took until the 15th century before the Chinese were overthrown again and only a little more than another hundred years before Europeans cast their eyes on Vietnam’s shores.

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